
Mini Stars Assistant

Eti is currently a loyal and triple threat Ensemble Student, attending Thursday main schools plus companies and troupes. Over the past year Eti volunteered with our Mini Stars classes on a Saturday for his DOFE and immediately became a teacher the students would look forward to seeing or ask after. We are lucky to have him as part of the team, to share his talent, performing experiences alongside his fun and caring nature.

Our Teachers


  • Starcast is one of the places I feel I can be myself completely. I am always learning new skills and improving myself whilst also making friendships with the most beautiful people! I look forward to more opportunities in the future!

    -Lauren - Starcast Student
  • I love my time at Starcast. Not only do I get to learn new skills, I also love spending time with my friends. The teachers are all really supportive and encouraging.

    -Gracie - Starcast Student
  • My daughter joined Starcast at the age of 4, almost 8 years later she is still here and made many friends along the way. Starcast is a fantastic mix of professionalism, fun and self development.

    -Sam - Starcast Parent
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